Price will be always part of the discussion, especially in today’s economy. However, there are sales, marketing, pricing and negotiation strategies and programs than can help drive the discussion to Value First Then Price. Companies that are able to do this are 36 percent more profitable than ones that take a “make it up in volume approach.” And companies that buy based on best-measured value are 35 percent more profitable. We need to remind and demonstrate to our key accounts that both buyer and seller can be better off focusing on Value not Price. This webinar will focus on practical and implementable methods, tools and processes to get paid for value.
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Associate Professor of Marketing, Università Ca Foscari, Venice, Italy
Andreas Hinterhuber, Associate Professor of Marketing, Università Ca Foscari, Venice, Italy and is a Partner of Hinterhuber & Partners ( He is also a visiting professor at the University of Bolzano (Italy) and was acting chair and head of the Department of International Management at Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (Germany).
Previously, he worked for ten years in global management positions in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry. His main research interest is pricing. He has published articles in Industrial Marketing Management, Long Range Planning, MIT Sloan Management Review, Journal of Strategic Marketing, Business Horizons and other journals.
Together with Stephan Liozu he is co-editor of the books Innovation in Pricing (Routledge, 2012), The ROI of Pricing (Routledge, 2014) and Pricing and the Sales Force (Routledge, 2016). He can be reached at
Former Global Vice President of Value and Commercial Excellence, SKF
Todd Snelgrove is the former Global Vice President of Value and Commercial Excellence at SKF, a leading global industrial engineering company. He developed and led SKF’s initiatives to quantify customer value for over 16 years, to price for value, communicate and sell value, and to procure based on best value.
He now consults and helps companies in all industries, with all things value and commercial excellence. He is noted as a subject matter expert on value, and has been published in various academic journals, served as keynote speaker at numerous global conferences, and supports executive MBA classes at schools such as, Harvard, Northwestern, London Business School, and the International Institute for Management Development.
He can be reached at or